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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Documentation...

Justin C. Ferguson wrote :>

>	I offered to do some documentation as well, however, at the moment
>I don't know anything about anything, so need to at least be directed as to 
>where to start.  

hmmm,  I think there is older documentation about what we did in
the 0.1 alpha release cob2c its floating around somewhere on
laura's homepage . You could also use the papers that were written
for 333.
Look in /afs/umr.edu/users/slaught/projects/Cobol/proposal
for various non source documents.

I am not sure if any of that was put in the 0.1alpha if not
we might want to move it up to the web page.

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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