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Justin C. Ferguson (jferg@acm.org) wrote:>
> 	Hey, all...being somewhat of a latecomer to the project, at least 
> as far as actually doing anything in an official position, I need to know
> this before I start going anywhere near documentation.  Is this an official
> GNU project, or are we just kind of using the GNU name, or are we even 
> officially using the GNU name?  If this is an official GNU project, there are
> a ton of rules, regulations, etc, that we need to be adhering to....so I need 
> to know.  
	We are an official GNU Project.  When I first got into this 2 summers
ago, I wrote to GNU asking if there was a Cobol project already in the works.
I got mail back from Joe Hartmann <joeh@sugar-river.net>, an FSF volunteer
coordinator, who put me in touch with Ed Petron <epetron@leba.net> who was 
working on the PCCTS version that we started with.
	It's been so long since I've talked to GNU and I don't know what Ed
has done, so they may not know that we're still a viable project.  I will mail
Ed and see what's going on.  If I can't reach him, you or I can mail GNU and
find out what's going on there.

	I swear I'll get some documents out to everyone tonight (re: math,
file stuff, web/documentation).

   .. Laura Tweedy .. tweedy@umr.edu ..
"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch."

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