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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Greetings!

Bernard.Giroud@elias.decus.ch wrote :>

>I'll be glad to help a little, maybe on the ISAM side.


>BTW, do you intend to support a compatible interface to C-ISAM, or do you
>need to read and write into a Informix C-ISAM file. That's quite different!

A compatible interface. Trying to Reverse engineering a file format
into the project is more then its worth at this time. As long its 'functional'
the same/performs the same, then its good.

>In the first case, a library which implements DBF files should be enough.

Do you know of such a free/GNU library?

The initial brainstorm was to use a structured storage system called
Irondoc, to implement all the files. It has a lot of nice feature, the least of
which include a small memory footprint, no allocation of memory, and has
built in b+-trees. To read more about it:

It is new and not finished, but it has reached the point where 
prototyping/first applications can be effective. BUT if there is a better 
library for doing files, or a set of libraries then lets get it up and 
evaluated.  I do not think we should "roll our own". 

If you (or anybody else) is interested in helping do the file stuff, we have
planned a meeting for friday afternoon ( Oct 23rd between 1pm-5pm CDT)
So that would be like... Oct 23rd 5pm-10pm GMT.
If anybody wants to participate, let us know and we'll setup a 
group discussion, otherwise we'll just report to the list for comments.

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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