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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Anybody up for a perl sync conduit?

On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 10:03:44PM -0800, IwantToKeepAnon wrote:
> I have been working on a generic coldsync "sync"
> conduit written in perl.
> I still want to make this re-usable without code
> coping.  So I would like to add a "queue" of custom
> modules that only act on an "event" (e.g. delete
> remote record, add local record, etc...).
> For each record that triggers an "event", all modules
> in the queue would have a chance to "act" on that
> event.  For example, adding a memo to the local DB
> could trigger an email if in category "email", PLUS
> the memo could be saved to a file, PLUS create an
> appointment in yahoo!, etc...  All in 1 pass of the
> sync conduit.

	This changes the current order in which things happen, does it
not? Currently, when you sync a database, you get:

	conduit 1 handles record 1
	conduit 1 handles record 2
	conduit 1 handles record 3
	conduit 2 handles record 1
	conduit 2 handles record 2
	conduit 2 handles record 3
	conduit 3 handles record 1
	conduit 3 handles record 2
	conduit 3 handles record 3

It seems that you're proposing to change this to

	conduit 1 handles record 1
	conduit 2 handles record 1
	conduit 3 handles record 1
	conduit 1 handles record 2
	conduit 2 handles record 2
	conduit 3 handles record 2
	conduit 1 handles record 3
	conduit 2 handles record 3
	conduit 3 handles record 3

What are the implications of this change? What if a conduit depends on
another conduit having already run successfully? What if two conduits
need to lock the same file?

Andrew Arensburger                      This message *does* represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      views of ooblick.com
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