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[coldsync-hackers] Anybody up for a perl sync conduit?

Hello folks,

I have been working on a generic coldsync "sync"
conduit written in perl.

Basically I just copied the GenericConduit class and
did a bunch of search/replace to morph C++ syntax into
perl syntax.  Then I did quite a bit of modification.

I "abstracted" the Palm/PDB IO into another class. 
Which simplifies the conduit A LOT.  And eliminates
redundant error checking code.

I still want to make this re-usable without code
coping.  So I would like to add a "queue" of custom
modules that only act on an "event" (e.g. delete
remote record, add local record, etc...).

For each record that triggers an "event", all modules
in the queue would have a chance to "act" on that
event.  For example, adding a memo to the local DB
could trigger an email if in category "email", PLUS
the memo could be saved to a file, PLUS create an
appointment in yahoo!, etc...  All in 1 pass of the
sync conduit.

On my TODO list is:
. the module queue
. robust error checking
. test all scenarios
  (at least the ones I can generate)
. get feedback
. pretty up the code
. ? what?

Also on my TODO list is this: argue for the removal of
GenericConduit.cc and support for a perl generic

Why?  To upgrade the conduit does not require a code
base rollout.  To add a good conduit wouldn't require
a user to know C++ or to modify his/her coldsync
executable.  A good sync conduit has been begged for
in the mailing list for some time now.  Since most
conduits wait on hardware IO, the perl version should
not take longer than the C++ version.

Why not?  Programmer resistance.  Error checking. 
Ease of Palm API calls.  Having to marshall and
unmarshall all API activity.  Anything else?

Anyway, I just thought I'd get the perl peeps
drooling.  I should be able to rollout an ALPHA
version after Christmas.

PLEASE give me your feedback ...

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