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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Syncing with both palmdesktop on windows and coldsync on Linux?

On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 10:58:33PM -0400, Allan Neal wrote:
> I am running into problems syncing with Palm Desktop on Windows 2000 at 
> work and coldsync on Linux at home.  If I modify a memo, todo, or
> address, or anything else on Palm Desktop, sync and then try to sync at
> home.  It doesn't seem to download the new .pdb to my .palm/backup dir
> and sync with it.
> Is this not possible or am I just missing something

	It should be possible, albeit slow.
	Here's a sanity check, first of all: when you add a record
(a new memo or whatever) in Palm Desktop and sync, does the new
record actually wind up on your Palm? If not, the problem evidently
lies with Palm Desktop.
	And another: why do you say it isn't syncing with the backup
copy on disk? If you run 'pdbdump ~/.palm/backup/MemoDB.pdb' (or
whatever), it'll show you everything that's in that database.

	When you sync with Coldsync at home, here's what should happen:

	- ColdSync asks the Palm for the host ID of the last machine
	  it synced with. The Palm returns it.
	- ColdSync knows the host ID of the machine it's running on,
	  and compares this to the host ID given by the Palm. It turns
	  out that they're different.
	- Since the last time you synced, it was with a different
	  machine than this one, ColdSync knows that it can't trust
	  the Palm when it says that a certain record hasn't been
	  modified since the last sync. So it runs a slow sync.
	- ColdSync downloads each database in its entirety (that's why
	  it's called a slow sync), compares it to what it has in
	  ~/.palm/backup, and makes any necessary changes. In
	  particular, it should notice that the new record doesn't
	  exist in the backup copy, and copy it to the backup copy on

	If you run ColdSync with the "-v" option (or "-vv" or "-vvv"
for more verbosity), it should tell you that it's doing a slow sync.
	If it's not doing a slow sync, well, that's where the problem
lies. The only obvious explanation I can think of is that you have the
same host ID at work and at home. By default, the host ID is simply a
different representation of the machine's IP address, but you can set
it by adding a clause like the following of your ~/.coldsyncrc :
	option {
		hostid: 268435456;

	Alternatively, you can force a slow sync wyth the "-S" option.

	You can also run ColdSync with "-dsync:5 -dmisc:5", and it
should show you the machine's host ID, and the host ID of the last
machine the Palm synced with, which could conceivably prove

Andrew Arensburger                      This message *does* represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      views of ooblick.com
		     The Computer is your friend.

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