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Re: [coldsync-hackers] Coldsync, IrDA and Mac OS X
On Sat, Nov 17, 2001 at 06:22:29PM -0500, William Uther wrote:
> iv) compile coldsync. It configures and compiles fine. It does have a
> lot of warnings while building though.
Can you tell what the problem is? If you'll send me
configuration and compilation logs, I can try to fix it. Of course,
you have a Mac, so you're in a better position to fix it than I am.
> v) point the .coldsyncrc at "/dev/cu.IrDA-IrCOMMch-b". (anyone know the
> difference between /dev/cu.blah and /dev/tty.blah? I have both. I tried
> the cu one first and it worked. Haven't tried the tty one.)
I suspect that this is a BSD-ism: IIRC /dev/cuXXXX and
/dev/ttyXXXX should have the same major number, and a difference of
128 in the minor number. One is used for outgoing connections (to a
terminal), and the other for incoming connections (from a modem). Or I
could be wrong.
> The only problem I have is that it seems extremely slow (hours for the
> initial sync). Any suggestions on fixing that?
That depends on why it's taking so long. If it's not
complaining, then I'd venture to guess that you have a lot of data and
it's syncing at some unreasonably low speed.
Try running it with "-dcmp:5 -dio:3". The "CMP: Got a message"
and "CMP: Sending type" messages should tell you how fast the Palm is
willing to go, and which speed ColdSync has picked, respectively. You
should also see ColdSync going through a set of standard speeds to see
whether the serial device can handle them.
Andrew Arensburger This message *does* represent the
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