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Re: [coldsync-hackers] FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE && Visor Edge...

On Mon, 14 May 2001, Andrew Arensburger wrote:

> On Wed, 9 May 2001, Brian Skrab wrote:
> > 	I've just plugged in my new visor edge and have been completely
> > 	unable to perform a USB coldsync.  I am using the latest coldsync,
> > 	and continue to receive the following error message:
> >
> > 	usb read: Input/output error
> > 	slp_read: read: Input/output error
> > 	Error during cmp_read: (1) Error in system call or library function.
> > 	Error: Can't connect to Palm.
> >
> > 	I am, however, able to sync a visor deluxe using the same
> > 	configuration.  What has changed?
> 	Just a random thought: do you have any other USB devices plugged
> in? I seem to remember a similar problem when I had both a Visor and an
> MP3 player plugged in at the same time.

	I've tried it with and without other USB devices plugged in.  I was
	able to sync my visor deluxe with the edge cradle plugged in, but
	not the other way around.  At the moment, the edge cradle is the only
	device on the USB connector -- no go.

	Still puzzled...


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