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Re: [coldsync-hackers] FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE && Visor Edge...

On Wed, 9 May 2001, Brian Skrab wrote:
> 	I've just plugged in my new visor edge and have been completely
> 	unable to perform a USB coldsync.  I am using the latest coldsync,
> 	and continue to receive the following error message:
> 	usb read: Input/output error
> 	slp_read: read: Input/output error
> 	Error during cmp_read: (1) Error in system call or library function.
> 	Error: Can't connect to Palm.
> 	I am, however, able to sync a visor deluxe using the same
> 	configuration.  What has changed?

	Just a random thought: do you have any other USB devices plugged
in? I seem to remember a similar problem when I had both a Visor and an
MP3 player plugged in at the same time.

Andrew Arensburger                      Actually, these _do_ represent the
arensb@ooblick.com                      opinions of ooblick.com!
                        Generic Tagline V 6.01

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