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Re: [coldsync-hackers] protocol

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Igor Tseglevsky wrote:
> Where can read about sync protocol?

	http://www.palm.com/ is a good place to start. Palm has been quite
good about documenting their products. There are also a number of articles
on the web that can provide a good introduction to syncing.
	In summary, here's the sync protocol stack, as used by ColdSync:

	CMP     DLP
	   \   /
	   /   \
	Serial  USB

	SLP is the Serial Layer Protocol. It is responsible for sending
packets of data over a serial line.
	PADP is the Packet Assembly/Disassembly Protocol: it adds
reliability to SLP: it is responsible for breaking up large data packets
into fragments, and reassembling fragments into data packets. It is also
responsible for acknowledging packets, and retransmitting packets that
haven't been acknowledged.
	DLP is the Desktop Link Protocol. This is the most interesting
protocol, the one that allows you to send requests to the Palm, like "List
all databases" or "Send me the next modified record".
	CMP is the Connection Management Protocol, and is used only
briefly at the beginning, to set up the speed at which the sync will take

> What different between sync over serial port and over
> tcp connection?

	I'm still trying to figure out all of the details myself, but it
appears that a network sync is very similar to a serial sync. It involves
PADP packets sent over a TCP socket.

Andrew Arensburger                      This message *does* represent the
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