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gnubol: cobol.el

	Hey, guys - 

	This got bounced because I had the list set up to reject messages
over 40k, and this one was just over.  I've changed the list settings now,
so this should go out.  Sorry for the problems.  (I trimmed the headers and 
stuff up some too.)


----- Forwarded message from owner-gnu-cobol@wallace.lusars.net -----
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Somehow or other, the attached message doesn't seem to have made it to
the list.  Here's a copy--it should have the cobol.el attached, etc. 
Hopefully if you use emacs, you know how to byte-compile Lisp source...

Also, you can add this to your .emacs, to make it start automagically in
cobol mode when you open a cobol file.  I've done it the way I did it
because it's case-sensitive.  I leave it to your own considerable
imagination to decide where in .emacs to put these, or what to modify.:

(autoload 'cobol-mode "cobol" "COBOL Editing mode" t)
(if first-time
    (setq auto-mode-alist
          (append '(("\\.cpp$" . c++-mode)
                    ("\\.hpp$" . c++-mode)
                    ("\\.lsp$" . lisp-mode)
                    ("\\.scm$" . scheme-mode)
                    ("\\.pl$"  . perl-mode)
                    ("\\.cbl$" . cobol-mode)
                    ("\\.CBL$" . cobol-mode)
                    ("\\.COB$" . cobol-mode)
                    ("\\.cob$" . cobol-mode)
                     ("\\.CPY$" . cobol-mode)
                    ("\\.cpy$" . cobol-mode)
                   ) auto-mode-alist)))

;; Auto font lock mode
(defvar font-lock-auto-mode-list
  (list 'c-mode 'c++-mode 'c++-c-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode 'lisp-mode
'perl-mode 'scheme-mode 'scribe-mode 'shell-script-mode 'cobol-mode
  "List of modes to always start in font-lock-mode")

(defvar font-lock-mode-keyword-alist
  '((c++-c-mode . c-font-lock-keywords)
    (perl-mode . perl-font-lock-keywords)
    (cobol-mode . cobol-font-lock-keywords)
    (dired-mode . dired-font-lock-keywords))
  "Associations between modes and keywords")

(add-hook 'cobol-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
             (set (make-local-variable 'dabbrev-case-fold-search) t)
             (set (make-local-variable 'dabbrev-case-replace) t)))

Matthew Vanecek
Visit my Website at http://mysite.directlink.net/linuxguy
For answers type: perl -e 'print
For 93 million miles, there is nothing between the sun and my shadow
except me. I'm always getting in the way of something...
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

;;; Cobol mode for GNU Emcas (version 2.00, Mar 01, 2000)
;;; There does not seem to be a maintainer for this mode, and none
;;; of the email addresses for it are good.  So, I've made it
;;; what I think it should be.  This includes adding
;;; color syntax highlighting (basically the only major change).
;;; Matthew Vanecek <linuxguy@directlink.net>
;;; Please feel free to send suggestions or improvements.
;;; Cobol mode for GNU Emacs (version 1.01, Jun 21, 1988)
;;; Copyright (c) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;; Written by Robert A Sutterfield (bob@cis.ohio-state.edu) and
;;;  Paul W. Placeway (paul@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu), as changes to fortran.el
;;; Bugs to bug-cobol-mode@cis.ohio-state.edu

;;;    [0) the left column is column 1]
;;;  +  1) newline should indent to the same column as the start of
;;;        the previous line
;;;  +  2) tabs at 8 and every four thereafter (12, 16, 20, etc.)
;;;  +  3) tabs should be expanded to spaces on input
;;;  +  (3a) no tabs should appear in the buffer
;;;  no 4) right margin bell at 72 (hard to do)
;;;  +  5) (optional) flash matching parentheses
;;;  +  6) no auto-fill (WHY -- PWP) (not by default)
;;;  *  7) auto startup on .cob files
;;;	   To do this, the expression ("\\.cob$" . cobol-mode) must be
;;;	   added to loaddefs.el in the gnu-emacs lisp directory, and
;;;	   loaddefs must be re-byte-code-compiled.
;;;	   Also, an autoload must be set up for cobol-mode in loaddefs.el;
;;;	   see the loaddefs.el file in this directory.
;;;  +  8) auto indent to that of the last line (more magic than that...)
;;;  +  9) delete on a blank line should go back to LAST tab stop
;;;  + 10) C-c C-c moves cursor to ARG (or prompted) column, adding
;;;        spaces to get there if needed
;;;    11) C-c C-l does (goto-line)
;;; COBOL mode adapted from:
;;;: Fortran mode for GNU Emacs  (beta test version 1.21, Oct. 1, 1985)
;;;; Copyright (c) 1986 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; Written by Michael D. Prange (mit-eddie!mit-erl!prange).
;;;; Author acknowledges help from Stephen Gildea <mit-erl!gildea>

;; This file is not part of the GNU Emacs distribution (yet).

;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
;; License for full details.

;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
;; this file, but only under the conditions described in the
;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.

;; Bugs to bug-cobol-mode@cis.ohio-state.edu.
;;; Code:
(defgroup old-cobol nil
  "Old COBOL code editing commands for Emacs."
  :prefix "cbl"
  :group 'languages)

(defcustom cobol-tab-always-indent t
  "*Non-nil means TAB in COBOL mode should always reindent the current line,
regardless of where in the line point is when the TAB command is used."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'old-cobol)

(defvar cobol-do-indent 4
  "*Extra indentation applied to `do' blocks.")

(defvar cobol-if-indent 4
  "*Extra indentation applied to `if' blocks.")

(defvar cobol-continuation-indent 6
  "*Extra indentation applied to `continuation' lines.")

(defvar cobol-pic-column 50
  "*The column that PIC clauses should be aligned to.")

(defvar cobol-indent-increment 4
  "*Amount of indentation to add to a line when it can be indented.")

(defvar cobol-comment-indent-style 'fixed
  "*nil forces comment lines not to be touched,
'fixed produces fixed comment indentation to comment-column,
and 'relative indents to current cobol indentation plus comment-column.")

(defvar cobol-comment-line-column 6
  "*Indentation for text in comment lines.")

(defvar comment-line-start "^......\\*"
  "*Delimiter inserted to start new full-line comment.")

(defvar comment-line-start-skip "^......\\*"
  "*Regexp to match the start of a full-line comment.")

(defvar cobol-minimum-statement-indent 7 	;;; this puts it in column 8
  "*Minimum indentation for cobol statements.")

;; Note that this is documented in the v18 manuals as being a string
;; of length one rather than a single character.
;; The code in this file accepts either format for compatibility.
(defvar cobol-comment-indent-char " "
  "*Character to be inserted for Cobol comment indentation.
Normally a space.")

(defvar cobol-line-number-indent 1
  "*Maximum indentation for Cobol line numbers.
6 means right-justify them within their six-column field.")

(defvar cobol-check-all-num-for-matching-do nil
  "*Non-nil causes all numbered lines to be treated as possible do-loop ends.")

(defvar cobol-continuation-char ?-
  "*Character which is inserted in column 7 by \\[cobol-split-line]
to begin a continuation line.  Normally ?-")

(defvar cobol-comment-region "      ** "
  "*String inserted by \\[cobol-comment-region] at start of each line in region.")

(defvar cobol-uncomment-region "      "
  "*Amount of whitespace that needs to be inserted by \\[cobol-uncomment-region] or
deleted by \\[cobol-comment-region] in order to maintain original alignment.")

(defvar cobol-electric-line-number t
  "*Non-nil causes line number digits to be moved to the correct column as typed.")

(defvar cobol-startup-message t
  "*Non-nil displays a startup message when cobol-mode is first called.")

(defvar cobol-column-ruler
  (concat "0    00  1         2         3         4         5         6         7  2\n"
  "*String displayed above current line by \\[cobol-column-ruler].")

(defconst cobol-mode-version "2.00")

(defvar cobol-mode-syntax-table ()
  "Syntax table in use in cobol-mode buffers.")

(if cobol-mode-syntax-table
  (setq cobol-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\; "w" cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?- "." cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?* "<" cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?. " " cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?/ "." cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "_" cobol-mode-syntax-table)
;  (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "/" cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?. "w" cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\t "    " cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" cobol-mode-syntax-table))

(defvar cobol-mode-map () 
  "Keymap used in cobol mode.")

(if cobol-mode-map
  (setq cobol-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) ; this SHOULD be a real keymap
  (define-key cobol-mode-map ";" 'cobol-abbrev-start)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-c;" 'cobol-comment-region)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\e\C-a" 'beginning-of-cobol-subprogram)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\e\C-e" 'end-of-cobol-subprogram)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\e;" 'cobol-indent-comment)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\e\C-h" 'mark-cobol-subprogram)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\e\n" 'cobol-split-line)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\e\C-q" 'cobol-indent-subprogram)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-c\C-w" 'cobol-window-create)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-c\C-r" 'cobol-column-ruler)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-c\C-p" 'cobol-previous-statement)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-c\C-n" 'cobol-next-statement)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'cobol-goto-column)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-cc" 'cobol-goto-column) ; avoid confusion
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-c\C-l" 'goto-line) ; for Sam
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-cl" 'goto-line) ; avoid confusion
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\t" 'cobol-indent-line)
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent) ; magic RET key
  (let ((n ?\ ))
    (while (< n 127)
      (define-key cobol-mode-map (char-to-string n) 'cobol-self-insert)
      (setq n (1+ n))))
  (define-key cobol-mode-map "\177" 'cobol-back-delete) ; magic DEL key too
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "0" 'cobol-electric-line-number)
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "1" 'cobol-electric-line-number)
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "2" 'cobol-electric-line-number)
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "3" 'cobol-electric-line-number)
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "4" 'cobol-electric-line-number)
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "5" 'cobol-electric-line-number)
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "6" 'cobol-electric-line-number)
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "7" 'cobol-electric-line-number)
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "8" 'cobol-electric-line-number)
;  (define-key cobol-mode-map "9" 'cobol-electric-line-number)

  (define-key cobol-mode-map [menu-bar] (make-sparse-keymap))

(defvar cobol-mode-abbrev-table t)
(if cobol-mode-abbrev-table
  (define-abbrev-table 'cobol-mode-abbrev-table ())
  (let ((abbrevs-changed nil))
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";b"   "byte" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ch"  "character" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";cl"  "close" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";c"   "continue" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";cm"  "common" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";cx"  "complex" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";di"  "dimension" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";do"  "double" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";dc"  "double complex" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";dp"  "double precision" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";dw"  "do while" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";e"   "else" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ed"  "enddo" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";el"  "elseif" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";en"  "endif" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";eq"  "equivalence" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ex"  "external" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ey"  "entry" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";f"   "format" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";fu"  "function" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";g"   "goto" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";im"  "implicit" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ib"  "implicit byte" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ic"  "implicit complex" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ich" "implicit character" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ii"  "implicit integer" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";il"  "implicit logical" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ir"  "implicit real" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";inc" "include" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";in"  "integer" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";intr" "intrinsic" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";l"   "logical" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";op"  "open" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";pa"  "parameter" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";pr"  "program" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";p"   "print" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";re"  "real" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";r"   "read" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";rt"  "return" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";rw"  "rewind" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";s"   "stop" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";su"  "subroutine" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";ty"  "type" nil)
    (define-abbrev cobol-mode-abbrev-table  ";w"   "write" nil)))
(defvar not-a-comment "^......[^\\*]")

(defvar is-a-comment "^......\\*")

(defvar cobol-usage-words
  "[ \t]+\\(USAGE\\([ \t]+\\(IS\\)?\\)?\\)[ \t]+")

(defvar cobol-modifier-words
  "[ \t]+\\(\\(A\\|DE\\)SCENDING\\([ \t]+KEY\\)?\\|DYNAMIC\\|JUSTIFIED\\)")

(defvar cobol-debugging-statements

(defvar cobol-data-types
  "[ \t]+\\<\\(ALPHA\\(\\(BET\\(IC\\(-LOWER\\|-UPPER\\)?\\)\\)?\\|NUMERIC\\(-EDITED\\)?\\)\\|BINARY\\(-\\(CHAR\\|SHORT\\|LONG\\|DOUBLE\\)\\)?\\|COMP\\(\\(UTATIONAL\\)?-[0-9Xx]\\)?\\|DISPLAY\\|NEGATIVE\\|PACKED-DECIMAL\\|POSITIVE\\)[^-A-Za-z0-9]")

(defvar cobol-scope-delimiters

(defvar cobol-verbs
   "D\\(E\\(CLARE\\|ETE\\|PENDING[ \t]+ON\\|LIMITED[ \t]+BY\\)\\|I\\(SPLAY\\|VIDE\\)\\)\\|"
   "E\\(LSE\\|NTRY\\|VALUATE\\|X\\(IT\\|EC[ \t]+SQL\\)\\)\\|F\\(OR\\|ROM\\)\\|"
   "I\\(F\\|N\\(ITIALIZE\\|TO\\|SPECT\\|DEX\\(ED[ \t]+BY\\)?\\)\\|S\\)\\|LESS\\|"
   "M\\(ERGE\\|OVE\\|ULTIPLY\\)\\|NEXT[ \t]SENTENCE\\|O\\(CCURS\\|PEN\\|R\\)\\|"
   "W\\(HEN\\|ITH\\|RITE\\)\\)[ \.\n]" ;[^-_A-Za-z0-9]?"

(defvar cobol-divisions
    (concat not-a-comment 

(defvar cobol-prog-info
  (concat not-a-comment 

(defvar cobol-sections
  (concat not-a-comment	"[ \t]*\\([-A-Za-z0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\(SECTION\\)\\."))

(defvar cobol-paragraphs
  (concat not-a-comment "\\([-A-Za-z0-9]+\\)\\.$"))

(defvar cobol-constants
   "[ \t]+\\(DATE\\|FALSE\\|FILLER\\|HIGH-VALUE\\(S\\)?\\|LENGTH\\|LOW-VALUE\\(S\\)?\\|"

(defvar cobol-font-lock-keywords
   (list cobol-data-types '(1 font-lock-type-face t))
   (list cobol-verbs '(1 font-lock-keyword-face t))
   (list cobol-scope-delimiters '(1 font-lock-keyword-face t))
   (list cobol-modifier-words '(1 font-lock-keyword-face t))
   (list cobol-usage-words '(1 font-lock-type-face t))
   (list cobol-divisions '(1 font-lock-constant-face t) '(2 font-lock-string-face t))
   (list cobol-sections '(1 font-lock-constant-face t) '(2 font-lock-string-face t))
   (list cobol-paragraphs '(1 font-lock-constant-face t))
   (list cobol-constants '(1 font-lock-constant-face t))
   (list cobol-prog-info '(1 font-lock-reference-face t))
   '("^......\\(\\*.*\\)" 1 font-lock-comment-face t

(defun cobol-mode ()
  "Major mode for editing cobol code.
Tab indents the current cobol line correctly. 

Type `;?' or `;\\[help-command]' to display a list of built-in abbrevs for Cobol keywords.

Variables controlling indentation style and extra features:

    Should allways be nil in Cobol mode.  Cobol has no in-line comments.
    Extra indentation within do blocks.  (default 4)
    Extra indentation within if blocks.  (default 4)
    Extra indentation appled to continuation statements.  (default 6)
    Amount of indentation to add to a line when it can be indented (default 4)
    Amount of indentation for text within full-line comments. (default 6)
    nil    means don't change indentation of text in full-line comments,
    fixed  means indent that text at column cobol-comment-line-column
    relative  means indent at cobol-comment-line-column beyond the
 	      indentation for a line of code.
    Default value is fixed.
    Character to be inserted instead of space for full-line comment
    indentation.  (default SPC)
    Minimum indentation for cobol statements. (default 8)
    Maximum indentation for line numbers.  A line number will get
    less than this much indentation if necessary to avoid reaching
    column 5.  (default 1)
    Non-nil causes all numbered lines to be treated as possible 'continue'
    statements.  (default nil)
    character to be inserted in column 5 of a continuation line.
    (default is ?-)
    String inserted by \\[cobol-comment-region] at start of each line in 
    region.  (default \"      ** \")
    Non-nil causes line number digits to be moved to the correct column 
    as typed.  (default t)
    Set to nil to inhibit message first time cobol-mode is used.

Turning on Cobol mode calls the value of the variable cobol-mode-hook 
with no args, if that value is non-nil.
  (setq mode-name "Cobol")
  (setq major-mode 'cobol-mode)
  (if cobol-startup-message
      (message "Emacs Cobol mode ver. %s.  Mail bugs to linux4us@home.com"
  (setq cobol-startup-message nil)
;  (setq local-abbrev-table cobol-mode-abbrev-table)  ;; no abbrevs for now
  (set-syntax-table cobol-mode-syntax-table)
  (use-local-map cobol-mode-map)
  (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
  (setq indent-line-function 'cobol-indent-line)
  (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function)
  (setq comment-indent-function 'cobol-comment-hook)
  (make-local-variable 'comment-line-start-skip)
  (setq comment-line-start-skip "^ *\\*") ; The only way to do a comment is a * in column 7
;  (setq comment-line-start-skip is-a-comment)
  (make-local-variable 'comment-line-start)
  (setq comment-line-start "** ")
;  (setq comment-line-start is-a-comment)
  (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
;  (setq comment-start-skip "![ \t]*")
  (setq comment-start-skip is-a-comment)
  (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
  (setq comment-start nil)		; COBOL has no in-line comments
  (make-local-variable 'comment-column)
  (setq comment-column cobol-comment-line-column)
  (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
  (setq require-final-newline t)
  (make-local-variable 'write-file-hooks)
  (setq write-file-hooks (cons 'cobol-no-tabs-hook write-file-hooks))
  (make-local-variable 'find-file-hooks)
  (setq find-file-hooks (cons 'cobol-no-tabs-hook find-file-hooks))
  (make-local-variable 'abbrev-all-caps)
  (setq abbrev-all-caps t)
;  (make-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode)
;  (setq indent-tabs-mode t)
  (make-local-variable 'fill-column)
  (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
  (setq require-final-newline t)
  (setq fill-column 70)
  ;; Font lock support
  (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
  (setq font-lock-defaults '(cobol-font-lock-keywords nil t))
  (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-defer-on-scrolling)
  (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-defer-contextually)
  (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-stealth-time)
  (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-stealth-lines)
  (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-stealth-verbose)
  (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-defer-time)
  (make-local-variable 'lazy-lock-minimum-size)
  (make-local-variable 'font-lock-support-mode)
  (setq font-lock-support-mode 'lazy-lock-mode)
  (setq lazy-lock-defer-on-scrolling nil)
  (setq lazy-lock-defer-contextually nil)
  (setq lazy-lock-stealth-time 5)
  (setq lazy-lock-stealth-lines 100)
  (setq lazy-lock-minimum-size 204800)
  (setq lazy-lock-stealth-verbose t)
  (setq lazy-lock-defer-time 0.25)
  (run-hooks 'cobol-mode-hook))
(defun cobol-comment-hook ()
  cobol-comment-line-column)		; ALWAYS comment in the comment column

(defun cobol-self-insert (arg)
  "Do a self-insert-command, and check for the right margin, ringing
the bell if it is reached."
  (interactive "*p")
  (let ((column (current-column)))
    (self-insert-command arg)
    (if (and (< column fill-column)
	     (>= (current-column)
	(beep 't))))

(defun cobol-goto-column (arg)
  "Goto column ARG, counting from column 1, adding spaces to
 the end of the line if needed"
  (interactive "NGoto column: ")
  (if (> arg 0)
	(if (> (current-column) (- arg 1))
	      (forward-char (- arg 1)))
	  (insert-char ?  (- arg (current-column) 1))))))
(defun cobol-back-delete (arg &optional killp)
  "Slightly magic version of backward-delete-char-untabify"
  (interactive "*p\nP")
  (let (atws (column (current-column)))
    (insert-char ?\n 1)
    (forward-char -1)
    (if (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
	  (if (= (% (+ column 1) cobol-indent-increment) 0)
	      (setq column (max cobol-minimum-statement-indent
				(- column cobol-indent-increment)))
	    (setq column (max cobol-minimum-statement-indent
			      (* (/ column cobol-indent-increment)
	  (insert-char (if (stringp cobol-comment-indent-char)
			   (aref cobol-comment-indent-char 0)
	(backward-delete-char-untabify arg killp)))
    (delete-char 1)))

(defun cobol-no-tabs-hook ()
  "Hook for write file that removes all tabs from the buffer.
This function must return nil so that the file will actually be written."
    ; the following code is stolen from tabify.el...
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (search-forward "\t" nil t)        ; faster than re-search
      (let ((start (point))
	    (column (current-column))
	    (indent-tabs-mode nil))
	(skip-chars-backward "\t")
	(delete-region start (point))
	(indent-to column))))
  nil)				; just in case to make sure file is written

(defun cobol-indent-comment ()
  "Align or create comment on current line.
Existing comments of all types are recognized and aligned.
If the line has no comment, a side-by-side comment is inserted and aligned
if the value of  comment-start  is not nil.
Otherwise, a separate-line comment is inserted, on this line
or on a new line inserted before this line if this line is not blank."
  ;; Recognize existing comments of either kind.
  (cond ((looking-at comment-line-start-skip)
	 (delete-horizontal-regexp "      \\*") ; kill the old comment stuff
	 (indent-to (cobol-comment-hook))
	 (insert comment-line-start))
	;; No existing comment.
	;; Insert separate-line comment, making a new line if nec.
	 (if (looking-at "^[ \t]*$")
	   (insert "\n")
	   (forward-char -1))
	 (indent-to (cobol-comment-hook))
	 (insert comment-line-start)

;;	 (insert-char (if (stringp cobol-comment-indent-char)
;;			  (aref cobol-comment-indent-char 0)
;;			  cobol-comment-indent-char)
;;		      (- (calculate-cobol-indent) (current-column))))))

(defun cobol-comment-region (beg-region end-region arg)
  "Comments every line in the region.
Puts cobol-comment-region at the beginning of every line in the region. 
BEG-REGION and END-REGION are args which specify the region boundaries. 
With non-nil ARG, uncomments the region."
  (interactive "*r\nP")
  (let ((end-region-mark (make-marker)) (save-point (point-marker)))
    (set-marker end-region-mark end-region)
    (goto-char beg-region)
    (if (not arg)			;comment the region
	(progn (insert cobol-comment-region)
	       (delete-char 7)          ; we would like to maintain the original
	                                ; alignment as closely as possible
	       (while (and  (= (forward-line 1) 0)
			    (< (point) end-region-mark))
		 (insert cobol-comment-region)
		 (delete-char 7))))
    (goto-char save-point)
    (set-marker end-region-mark nil)
    (set-marker save-point nil)))
(defun cobol-uncomment-region (beg-region end-region arg)
  "Uncomments every line in the region.
Deletes cobol-comment-region from the beginning of every line in the region. 
BEG-REGION and END-REGION are args which specify the region boundaries."
  (interactive "*r\nP")
  (let ((end-region-mark (make-marker)) (save-point (point-marker)))
    (set-marker end-region-mark end-region)
    (goto-char beg-region)
    (if (not arg)			;comment the region
	(let ( ( com ( regexp-quote cobol-comment-region ) ) ) ;uncomment the region
	  (if ( looking-at com )
	      (progn (goto-char (- (match-end 0) 1))
		     (delete-backward-char 2)))
; 	      (progn (delete-region (point) (match-end 0))
; 		     (insert-char cobol-uncomment-region)))
	  (while (and  (= (forward-line 1) 0)
		       (< (point) end-region-mark))
	    (if (looking-at com)
		(progn (goto-char (- (match-end 0) 1))
		       (delete-backward-char 2))))))
;		(progn (delete-region (point) (match-end 0)))))))
    (goto-char save-point)
    (set-marker end-region-mark nil)
    (set-marker save-point nil)))
(defun cobol-abbrev-start ()
  "Typing \";\\[help-command]\" or \";?\" lists all the cobol abbrevs. 
Any other key combination is executed normally." ;\\[help-command] is just a way to print the value of the variable help-char.
  (let (c)
    (insert last-command-char)
    (if (or (= (setq c (read-char)) ??)	;insert char if not equal to `?'
	    (= c help-char))
      (setq unread-command-events c))))

(defun cobol-abbrev-help ()
  "List the currently defined abbrevs in Cobol mode."
  (message "Listing abbrev table...")
  (require 'abbrevlist)
  (list-one-abbrev-table cobol-mode-abbrev-table "*Help*")
  (message "Listing abbrev table...done"))

(defun cobol-column-ruler ()
  "Inserts a column ruler momentarily above current line, till next keystroke.
The ruler is defined by the value of cobol-column-ruler.
The key typed is executed unless it is SPC."
   cobol-column-ruler (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))
   nil "Type SPC or any command to erase ruler."))

(defun cobol-window-create ()
  "Makes the window 72 columns wide."
  (let ((window-min-width 2))
    (split-window-horizontally 73))
  (other-window 1)
  (switch-to-buffer " cobol-window-extra" t)
  (select-window (previous-window)))

(defun cobol-split-line ()
  "Break line at point and insert continuation marker and alignment."
  (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (looking-at comment-line-start-skip))
      (insert ?\n comment-line-start ?\  )
      (insert ?\n cobol-continuation-char))

(defun delete-horizontal-regexp (chars)
  "Delete all characters in CHARS around point.
CHARS is like the inside of a [...] in a regular expression
except that ] is never special and \ quotes ^, - or \."
  (interactive "*s")
  (skip-chars-backward chars)
  (delete-region (point) (progn (skip-chars-forward chars) (point))))

(defun cobol-electric-line-number (arg)
  "Self insert, but if part of a Cobol line number indent it automatically.
Auto-indent does not happen if a numeric arg is used."
  (interactive "P")
  (if (or arg (not cobol-electric-line-number))
      (self-insert-command arg)
    (if (or (save-excursion (re-search-backward "[^ \t0-9]"
						t)) ;not a line number
	    (looking-at "[0-9]"))		;within a line number
	(insert last-command-char)
      (skip-chars-backward " \t")
      (insert last-command-char)
(defun beginning-of-cobol-subprogram ()
  "Moves point to the beginning of the current cobol subprogram."
  (let ((case-fold-search t))
    (beginning-of-line -1)
    (re-search-backward "^[ \t0-9]*end\\b[ \t]*[^ \t=(a-z]" nil 'move)
    (if (looking-at "^[ \t0-9]*end\\b[ \t]*[^ \t=(a-z]")
	(forward-line 1))))

(defun end-of-cobol-subprogram ()
  "Moves point to the end of the current cobol subprogram."
  (let ((case-fold-search t))
    (beginning-of-line 2)
    (re-search-forward "^[ \t0-9]*end\\b[ \t]*[^ \t=(a-z]" nil 'move)
    (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
    (forward-line 1)))

(defun mark-cobol-subprogram ()
  "Put mark at end of cobol subprogram, point at beginning. 
The marks are pushed."
  (push-mark (point))
(defun cobol-previous-statement ()
  "Moves point to beginning of the previous cobol statement.
Returns 'first-statement if that statement is the first
non-comment Cobol statement in the file, and nil otherwise."
  (let (not-first-statement continue-test)
    (setq continue-test
	   (concat "      " (regexp-quote (char-to-string
    (while (and (setq not-first-statement (= (forward-line -1) 0))
;;		(or (looking-at comment-line-start-skip))
		(looking-at "[ \t]*$")))
    (cond ((and continue-test
		(not not-first-statement))
	   (message "Incomplete continuation statement."))
	  ((not not-first-statement)

(defun cobol-next-statement ()
  "Moves point to beginning of the next cobol statement.
 Returns 'last-statement if that statement is the last
 non-comment Cobol statement in the file, and nil otherwise."
  (let (not-last-statement)
    (while (and (setq not-last-statement (= (forward-line 1) 0))
 		(or (looking-at comment-line-start-skip)
 		    (looking-at "[ \t]*$")
    (if (not not-last-statement)
(defun cobol-indent-line ()
  "Indents current cobol line based on its contents and on previous lines."
  (defvar cfi 0)
  (setq cfi (calculate-cobol-indent))
;;  (message-box "cfi is %d\nCurrent indentation is %d" cfi (current-indentation))
  (if (and (not (eq last-command 'cobol-indent-line))
	   (not (eq cfi nil)))
      (if (not (= cfi (current-indentation)))
;;	  (message-box "cfi is %d Current indentation is %d" cfi (current-indentation))

  (if (or (eq last-command 'cobol-indent-line) ; if we just did a tab
	  (let (atws)
	    (insert-char ?\n 1)
	    (forward-char -1)
	    (setq atws (looking-at "[ \t]*$"))
	    (delete-char 1)
	    (not atws)))
     (insert-char (if (stringp cobol-comment-indent-char)
		       (aref cobol-comment-indent-char 0)
		   (- cobol-indent-increment
		      (% (+ (current-column) 1) cobol-indent-increment)))
    (let ((do-another-tab nil)
	  (cfi (calculate-cobol-indent))
	  (cur-col (current-column))) ; we did NOT just do a tab
	(if (not (= cfi (current-indentation)))
	    (cobol-indent-to-column cfi)
	  ; else the line is indented correctly; check for a comment
	  (if (re-search-forward comment-start-skip
				 (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) 'move)
	    ; else not looking at a comment; make another tab
	    (if (= cur-col cfi)
		(setq do-another-tab 't)))))
      (if do-another-tab
	  (insert-char (if (stringp cobol-comment-indent-char)
			   (aref cobol-comment-indent-char 0)
		       (- cobol-indent-increment
			  (% (+ (current-column) 1)
      ;; Never leave point in left margin.
      (if (< (current-column) cfi)
	  (move-to-column cfi)))))

(defun cobol-indent-subprogram ()
  "Properly indents the Cobol subprogram which contains point."
    (message "Indenting subprogram...")
    (indent-region (point) (mark) nil))
  (message "Indenting subprogram...done."))

(defun calculate-cobol-indent ()
  "Calculates the cobol indent column based on previous lines."
  (let (icol first-statement
	     (special-col nil)
	     (case-fold-search t)
	     (data-level nil))
      (setq first-statement (cobol-previous-statement))
      (if first-statement
	  (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent)
	  (setq icol (cobol-current-line-indentation))
	  ;; (message-box "icol = %d" icol)
	  (if (= (point) (point-min))
	      (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
	  (if (looking-at "[ \t]*\\*")	; if looking a at comment
	      (setq special-col 't))
	  (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
	  (cond ((looking-at "if[ \t]*(")
		 (if (or (looking-at ".*)[ \t]*then\\b[ \t]*[^ \t(=a-z0-9]")
			 (let (then-test)	;multi-line if-then
			   (while (and (= (forward-line 1) 0) ;search forward for then
				       (looking-at "     [^ 0]")
				       (not (setq then-test (looking-at ".*then\\b[ \t]*[^ \t(=a-z0-9]")))))
		     (setq icol (+ icol cobol-if-indent))))
		((looking-at "\\(else\\|elseif\\)\\b")
		 (setq icol (+ icol cobol-if-indent)))
		((looking-at "do\\b")
		 (setq icol (+ icol cobol-do-indent)))))))
      (cond ((looking-at "[ \t]*$"))	; blank lines do nothing
	    ((looking-at comment-line-start-skip) ; junk for comments
	     (setq icol cobol-comment-line-column)
	     (setq special-col t))
	    ((looking-at (concat "      "
				 (regexp-quote (char-to-string cobol-continuation-char))))
	     (setq icol cobol-continuation-indent)
	     (setq special-col t))
	    (first-statement)		;if first in the file, don't do anything
	    ((and cobol-check-all-num-for-matching-do
		  (looking-at "[ \t]*[0-9]+")
	     (setq icol (- icol cobol-do-indent)))
	     (skip-chars-forward " \t")	; skip to first real stuff
	      ;;; The following are for special names that MUST
	      ;;; start in area A (column 8-11)
	      ((looking-at "[a-z]+ +division") ; divisions in area A
	       (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
	      ((looking-at "[-0-9a-z]+ +section") ; sections in area A
	       (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
	      ;; this SHOULD get paragraph names
	      ((looking-at "[-a-z0-9]+\\.") ; paragraphs
	       (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
	      ((looking-at "fd ")	; fd's in area A
	       (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
	      ((looking-at "sd ")	; sd's in area A
	       (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
	      ((looking-at "rd ")	; rd's in area A
	       (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
	      ((looking-at "cd ")	; cd's in area A
	       (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
	      ((looking-at "01 ")	; 01 level numbers in A too
	       (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
	      ((looking-at "77 ")	; and 77 level numbers
	       (setq icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent))
;	      ((and (looking-at "88 ")  ; and 88 level numbers, too
;		   (not (string-match " 88 " cobol-previous-statement)))
;	       (setq icol (+ icol cobol-indent-increment)))

	      ;;; the following are for end-of-block detection
	      ;; ((looking-at "end-if\\b") ;; No good if it ends with a period
	      ((looking-at "end-if")
	       (setq icol (- icol cobol-if-indent)))
	      ((looking-at "else\\b")
	       (setq icol (- icol cobol-if-indent)))
	      ((looking-at "end-[a-z]")              ;; Cover all "end-*" scope delimiters
	       (setq icol (- icol cobol-if-indent)))
	      ((and (looking-at "continue\\b")
	       (setq icol (- icol cobol-do-indent)))
	      ((looking-at "end[ \t]*do\\b")
	       (setq icol (- icol cobol-do-indent)))
	      ((and (looking-at "end\\b[ \t]*[^ \t=(a-z]")
		    (not (= icol cobol-minimum-statement-indent)))
	       (message "Warning: `end' not in column %d.  Probably an unclosed block."
	      (t			; in the case of normal lines
    (if special-col
      (max cobol-minimum-statement-indent icol))))
(defun cobol-current-line-indentation ()
  "Indentation of current line, ignoring Cobol line number or continuation.
This is the column position of the first non-whitespace character
aside from the line number and/or column 5 line-continuation character.
For comment lines, returns indentation of the first
non-indentation text within the comment."
;  (save-excursion
;    (beginning-of-line)
;    (cond ((looking-at comment-line-start-skip)
;	   (goto-char (match-end 0))
;	   (skip-chars-forward
;	     (if (stringp cobol-comment-indent-char)
;		 cobol-comment-indent-char
;	         (char-to-string cobol-comment-indent-char))))
;	  ((looking-at "     [^ 0\n]")
;	   (goto-char (match-end 0)))
;	  (t
;	   ;; Move past line number.
;	   (move-to-column 5)))
;    ;; Move past whitespace.
;    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
;    (current-column)))

(defun cobol-indent-to-column (col)
  "Indents current line with spaces to column COL.
notes: 1) A minus sign character in column 6 indicates a continuation
          line, and this continuation character is retained on indentation;
       2) If cobol-continuation-char is the first non-whitespace character,
          this is a continuation line;
       3) A non-continuation line which has a number as the first
          non-whitespace character is a numbered line."
    (if (looking-at comment-line-start-skip)
	(if cobol-comment-indent-style
	    (let ((char (if (stringp cobol-comment-indent-char)
			    (aref cobol-comment-indent-char 0)
	      (insert-char char cobol-comment-line-column)))

;;      (if (looking-at "     [^ 0\n]")
;;	  (forward-char 8)
;;	(delete-horizontal-space)
;;	;; Put line number in columns 0-4
;;	;; or put continuation character in column 5.
;;	(cond ((eobp))
;;	      ((= (following-char) cobol-continuation-char)
;;	       (indent-to 5)
;;	       (forward-char 1))
;;	      ((looking-at "[0-9]+")
;;	       (let ((extra-space (- 5 (- (match-end 0) (point)))))
;;		 (if (< extra-space 0)
;;		     (message "Warning: line number exceeds 5-digit limit.")
;;		   (indent-to (min cobol-line-number-indent extra-space))))
;;	       (skip-chars-forward "0-9"))))
      ;; Point is now after any continuation character or line number.
      ;; Put body of statement where specified.
      (indent-to col)
      ;; Indent any comment following code on the same line.
;;      (if (re-search-forward comment-start-skip
;;			     (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t)
;;	  (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
;;		 (if (not (= (current-column) (cobol-comment-hook)))
;;		     (progn (delete-horizontal-space)
;;			    (indent-to (cobol-comment-hook))))))

(defun cobol-line-number-indented-correctly-p ()
  "Return t if current line's line number is correctly indente.
Do not call if there is no line number."
    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
    (and (<= (current-column) cobol-line-number-indent)
	 (or (= (current-column) cobol-line-number-indent)
	     (progn (skip-chars-forward "0-9")
		    (= (current-column) 5))))))

(defun cobol-check-for-matching-do ()
  "When called from a numbered statement, returns t
 if matching 'do' is found, and nil otherwise."
  (let (charnum
	(case-fold-search t))
      (if (looking-at "[ \t]*[0-9]+")
	    (skip-chars-forward " \t")
	    (skip-chars-forward "0") ;skip past leading zeros
	    (setq charnum (buffer-substring (point)
					    (progn (skip-chars-forward "0-9")
	    (and (re-search-backward
		  (concat "\\(^[ \t0-9]*end\\b[ \t]*[^ \t=(a-z]\\)\\|\\(^[ \t0-9]*do[ \t]*0*"
			  charnum "\\b\\)\\|\\(^[ \t]*0*" charnum "\\b\\)")
		  nil t)
		 (looking-at (concat "^[ \t0-9]*do[ \t]*0*" charnum))))))))



----- End forwarded message -----

    Justin Ferguson - Geek of All Trades - Technical Solutions Consultant
http://www.thedotin.net/jferg   <jferg@lusars.net> <JFerg at The Dot in .Net>
  "...why does a country that calls itself a democracy stick with the    
       Imperial system of measurement?" -- nigelw@wizardis.com.au

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