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gnubol: IBM data format conversion routines


I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I've attached a tar file
with a small library of conversion routines:

cnvAtoE - Convert buffer from ASCII to EBCDIC
cnvEtoA - Convert buffer from EBCDIC to ASCII
cnvPDtoCH - Convert IBM Packed Decimal to character string (1 to 16
bytes, 1 to 31 digits)
cnvSPtoD - Convert IBM Single Precision Floating to C Double (4 bytes)
cnvDPtoD - Convert IBM Double Precision Floating to C Double (8 bytes)
cnvXPtoLD - COnvert IBM Extended Precision Floating to C Long Double (16

If you have any problems or extensions, please let me know and based on
available time I'll be glad to fix them.

I'll set up a place on my home page in the future to make it easier to
get this stuff so I don't have to attach it.

I have not done extensive testing on cnvDPtoD or cnvXPtoLD, I did not
have enough test data.  I'll try to get some in the next day to double
check accuracy.  As for the cnvAtoE, I could not find an EBCDIC
equivalent for the grave (`), so it currently translates to an
appostrophe (').  The rest of it looks good.

The file (translate.tar.gz) is a gzip compressed tar file.  Source was
done on Linux, so line delimiters are not exactly what MS-DOS wants.
There is no main(), just the routines, so the makefile is intended just
as documentation.  My mainline was for the purpose of testing only.

I have some variable block I/O routines, but they are not complete yet.

Good Luck - Ted Seward
