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Re: R:gnubol: Record delimiter clause and parse order

"William M. Klein" wrote:
> Does anyone on this list know if the Unix System Services (USS) on OS/390 do
> or do not have "line sequential" type files?  I know that they are (as
> indicated below) "unknown" in traditional IBM MVS, CMS, and VSE environments.

LINE SEQUENTIAL is a strictly MicroFocus invention--it does not exist
outside of MidroFocus--except where some compilers advertise support for
"Microfocus' 'LINE SEQENTIAL'" and other extensions.  I've never seen it
used on the mainframe, and I think most 'old-timers' would laugh at the
idea.   I'm sure USS will probably be likewise (unless, does MF run on
OS/390 under USS? <shrug>) 
Matthew Vanecek
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