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Re: gnubol: RE: Record delimiter clause and parse order

"William M. Klein" wrote:
> Do you have a (free PDF) copy of the draft of the next Standard?  If so, the
> permissible I/O statements and OPEN modes are on page 482 - table 20.
> And *yes* SEQUENTIAL files may be OPEN I-O and YES they may have a WRITE,
> REWRITE, statements (and START if you include the new draft FIRST/LAST
> options)

I cannot find the table whereof you speak, I think.  There *is* a table
on page 450 (page 468 in the pdf numbering), with a table that looks
quite similar to the one in my MF manual.  Which file are you using? 
I've got cd12all.pdf from the Microfocus Web site.

> The corresponding "table" (for sequential) is on page VII-40 of the '85
> Standard)

Damn, planning a wedding.  Can't afford to buy 'unnecessary stuff'. 
Guess I'll go with what I've got.

Matthew Vanecek
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