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Re: R:gnubol: Record delimiter clause and parse order

fneale@tss.com.au wrote:

> As far as I was aware you can't rewrite ANY sequential files - only write
> or read.
> Similarly, sequential files (whether record sequential or line sequential)
> are only ever opened for input, output or extend - none of which support
> rewriting.

To sum up the possible combinations of a certain Cobol compiler (Siemens
BS/2000) :

Organization = Sequential : access = sequential
By open Input action can be read.
By open Output and Extend action can be write.
By open i-o action can be read and rewrite, by some compilers also write

Organization = relative : access = sequential | random | dynamic
By sequential :
By open input : read and start
By open output : write
By open i-o : read, rewrite, start, delete

By random :
By open input : read
By open output : write
By open i-o : read, write, rewrite, delete

By dynamic :
By open input : read and start
By open output : write
By open i-o : read, write, rewrite, start, delete

Organization = indexed : access = sequential | random | dynamic
(sometimes called extended)
By sequential :
By open input : read and start
By open output : write
By open i-o : read, rewrite, start, delete

By random :
By open input : read
By open output : write
By open i-o : read, write, rewrite, delete

By dynamic :
By open input : read and start
By open output : write
By open i-o : read, write, rewrite, start, delete


Fred Mobach

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