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Re: [Fwd: gnubol: Record delimiter clause and parse order]

"William M. Klein" wrote:

> Regarding ASCII/EBCDIC and EBCDIC/ASCII conversions:
> There are several products that do this (for files).  This is a NON-trivial
> task.  Things to consider when creating such a tool. (Not all of these need
> to handled in "phase 1" - but they all need to be considered).
> 1) It is necessary to provide conversion BOTH ways.  Otherwise, files created
> in an ASCII environment will not be "verifiable" in their "home" EBCDIC
> environment.

Is it necessary to mention that according to DIN 66003 there exists more than
one ASCII table ? And that also more than one EBCDIC table is in use. I remind
some differences between Bull's implementation, those of Siemens and of IBM.


Fred Mobach

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