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Re: gnubol: What's GNU?

GNU is a project to provide a free rpelacement Unix system. See

GNU Cobol2C is a project to create a Cobol to C converter. It is
no longer active.

There are two projects currently active for free Cobol Compilers. 

http://www.geocities.com/timjosling/cobol.html has more details
of Cobol for GCC which is a project to create a Cobol compiler.

I also wrote an article for the Cobol Report which has more
information and links - see


Tiny Cobol, which is another Cobol compiler project, was started
by Rildo Pragana who is Brazillian and so knows Porteguese. The
link is 


Tim Josling

> jair wrote:
> Hello, friends!
> My name is Jair M. Araujo. From Campo Grande - Mato Grosso do
> Sul - Brazil.
> I'am programmer in Cobol language since 1990 and will like to
> know about some questions:
> What's GNU? Is a project of a Cobol Code Generator? Please, how
> i do to participate?
> If possible, send me email in portuguese. I dont speak english
> well.
> My email is jsmarq@cgr.zaz.com.br
> I have a page on internet about Cobol Code Generator for DOS.
> View my page in follow adress:
> http://planeta.terra.com.br/informatica/gcob
> Thank.
> Jair Marques de Araujo

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