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Re: gnubol: Re: Cobol for GCC Progress Report


I'm definitely going to get into any language wars... the core
will be in C but I like the 'eat your own dog food' approach of
writing some in Cobol. There are arguments either way.

On the CVS I think I will do this once I have gotten the
integration with the GCC garbage colleciton done and I am then in
the 'adding function' stage. I have been using CVS on my PC.

Tim Josling

David Essex wrote:
> Tim,
> At 04:52 PM 25/04/00, Tim Josling wrote:
> >David Essex wrote:
> >>
> >> Which version of GCC are you using ?
> >
> >Currently I am tracking the weekly snapshots. About once a month
> >the build fails so I get to learn some more about GCC by
> >debugging it :-)
> Interesting approach.
> >On the question of should the runtime be in C or COBOL, I'll take
> >good code in either language. Some people feel it is a mistake to
> >use any language other than C because the pool of maintainers is
> >smaller, however in this case using COBOL may make the pool of
> >potential maintainers larger, I hope.
> My vote would be for C, not because of any language preference, but because
> I think C is better choice for the task at hand.
> BTW, were you planning to use a cvs repository ?
> David

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