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gnubol: Fw: IBM COBOL to support 31-digits

FYI - I just put this out in comp.lang.cobol - based on a note in the
IBM-MAIN list.

William M. Klein <wmklein@nospam.netcom.com> wrote in message news:...
> FYI, the following was just put out in the IBM-MAIN list.  (I am positive
> that I understand IBM-speak well enough to say that this isn't a
> "guarantee" - but sure sounds like something in the "highly likely
> category".)
> " ...Depending on your timing (how soon you need it) we have relief coming
> soon.  In order
> to take advantage of it, you will have to run under Language Environment
> use the
> newest COBOL compiler, COBOL for OS/390 & VM (5648-A25).  We are adding
> support for up to 31 digit decimal numbers via APAR, probably in the first
> half of 2000.  If this
> will satisfy your requirement, then you need to start your run-time
> from the
> VS COBOL II run-time library (COB2LIB) to the LE run-time library
> Once that is completed, you can compile any one (or all) of your programs
> with COBOL for OS/390 & VM and use up to 31 digit numeric data items."
> --
> Bill Klein
>     wmklein <at> ix dot netcom dot com

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