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Re: gnubol: Problem 10 => message API

You can store the messages and sort by line number later. This
would be difficult with the separate preprocessor for
preprocessor error messages.

Anyone want to write a message API?

- manage whether certain message numbers and severities are to be
output and/or counted and/or used to decide success
- sort by line number
- print
- maybe provide a basic printf type facility for building the

Tim Josling

RKRayhawk@aol.com wrote:

> If we can stay on the track of associating a line number with every
> diagnostic, then we can eventually constuct an algorithm that makes messages
> show up where we want them. So that they 'appear' in an 'early' part of a
> compile even if not fully detected until a review at the end of some whole
> division.  That needs to be designed into the preprocessors line number
> enumeration scheme, and the diagnostics API from the outset; even if the
> SORT/linked list is not implemented until later.
> Bob Rayhawk

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