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Re: gnubol: How are grammars progressing

Tim Josling wrote:

> One thing others can do is look over the other verbs (outside the
> nucleus) and point out any tricky things (eg invalid key is only
> allowed on IO to certain types of files).


Perhaps you'll find the following too short, in that case just tell me. But
otherwise it would be too long and that's not the way to encourage the
readership :-).

Organization = Sequential : access = sequential
By open Input action can be read at end.
By open Output and Extend action can be write [ after | before ].
By open I-O action can be read at end and rewrite, by some compilers also write

Organization = relative : access = sequential | random | dynamic
By sequential :
By open input : read at end and start invalid key
By open output : write invalid key
By open i-o : read at end, rewrite invalid key, start invalid key, delete
invalid key

By random :
By open input : read at end
By open output : write invalid key
By open i-o : read at end, write invalid key, rewrite invalid key, delete
invalid key

By dynamic :
By open input : read at end and start invalid key
By open output : write invalid key
By open i-o : read, write invalid key, rewrite invalid key, start invalid key,
delete invalid key

Organization = indexed : access = sequential | random | dynamic
(sometimes called extended)
By sequential :
By open input : read at end and start invalid key
By open output : write invalid key
By open i-o : read at end, rewrite invalid key, start invalid key, delete
invalid key

By random :
By open input : read invalid key
By open output : write invalid key
By open i-o : read invalid key, write invalid key, rewrite invalid key, delete
invalid key

By dynamic :
By open input : read [at end | invalid key] and start invalid key
By open output : write invalid key
By open i-o : read [at end | invalid key], write invalid key, rewrite invalid
key, start invalid key, delete invalid key


Fred Mobach

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