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In a message dated 12/13/99 5:39:10 PM EST, SiedentopC@Alte-Leipziger.de
==000016==> IGYPS2112-E The "EVALUATE" verb did not have a matching scope
terminator. A scope
terminator was inserted on line 24. The execution
results may not be
I would like to note in passing that this particular vendor is flagging
several distinct situations with a single error number: IGYPS2112.
It may be easily possible for us to make distinctions, we will defnitely need
specific code to detect specific implied terminations. This is noteworthy
because the implied termination of an EVALUATE without a WHEN OTHER probably
should not be recovered, where as it may be reasonable to recover whilst
trapping an implied terminator for an EVALUATE that does have that alternate
If we had a gnubol error message system that externalized the severity code
we could flag the implied end of an EVALUATE that has a clarifying WHEN OTHER
clause (W level message in IBM parlance), and error out the more hopeless
case (E level message in IBM parlance).
I am confident the whole discussion is way out ahead of the actual grammar
work, and do not mean to insult the hardworkers there on with presumptuous
dreams about fancy diagnostics capability. But to be truthful I we actually
do any of this we could actuall set the standard and set it right. That may
be worth doing as a matter of pride.
I would suggest not only a different error number for the two distinct
EVALUATE implied end, but I would make each conditional potent verb have a
different error number when getting implicated. That would set up the
possibility that a user can set some (for example all the EVALUATE wierdos)
to Error rejects, while allowing certain others as Warning extensions. That
would be in keeping with the UNIX config tradition. But there is more.
Really there is a separate, small but important, legitimacy issue here when
nesting like family verbs unconditionally. We do not have to actually code
this much sophistication in the begining, but if we isolate the implied ends
uniquely for each verb; we can eventually also detect when like verbs are
being nested in the implied end situations and acutally flag those with yet
another specifc user configurable error code.
If we generalize enough and start on a path of external control of the
diagnostic severity, future workers could enhance this in a way that deals
with the very refined issues of deeply nested implied end. In other words, if
we open Pandora's box, _maybe_, we should accept responsibility for setting
up a plan to return any escaping monsters.
We do not have to do all this work to set the proper ground work. I am saying
specifically that implied end to an arithmetic could be a different message
then implied end to an I/O. The user, if she is into config culture, would
probably like that. In a similar vain I am saying that implied end to a one
part EVALUATE (any number of WHENs is still just the single front part), can
be a distinct diagnostic number from implied end of a two part EVALUATE. The
grammar has to be that complex to be robust (do you see how that eases the
Later we can start to make fancy distinctions, like an implied end to ADD
within and implied end to ADD is perhaps a different message number. Later I
am saying. That is one of Pandora's monsters. A config afficionado who wants
that back in the box might modify our default release severity code from W to
an E.
There are complications in some of these situations, I am not saying code for
these today. But even an implied end to a single part EVALUATE is not
necessarily bad, depending upon context. If we have the right groundwork,
later resources might be able to distinguish when this weak EVALUATE is
reducing in harmless conditions, and tag it with a specific message that can
optionally own a Warning attribute. And still also detect when the reduction
occurs in destructive situations, like within another EVALUATE or within a
We do not have to code that much complexity now. But in a sense there is a
ethical issue here between us and the users of the tool. If we consider
opening Pandora's box, we might be the ones responsible for atleast
specifying how to get specifically offensive monsters back in.
In general I think we should be circumspect about same verb nesting (when all
unterminated), but we have a code base issue (small put relevant to the
success criteria of getting folks to use this thing). Yet I do not think that
nested EVALUATEs within EVALUATEs are evil. And I wonder if it might not be
useful to allow dual branched unterminated EVALUATEs to reduce successfully
and go to code gen (under user controlled config).
It is a strange thing to say, but I believe in the lazy programmer. They are
real and they represent an economy. Stated differently major organizations
face the difficult fact that there are not enough unlazy people. That has
economic implications.
The grammar has to be complex anyway. We can explicate the more refined error
codes later. We already must be able to detect every kind of 'lazy'
unterminated situation inside of every possible nesting. If we are somewhat
specific about the error codes now, we could be more specific later on.
Best Wishes,
Bob Rayhawk
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