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Re: How to "diagnose" nesting levels (was RE: gnubol: SiemansCOBOL2000 - SEA...

In a message dated 12/13/99 5:23:49 PM EST, wmklein@ix.netcom.com writes:

 > -----Original Message-----
 > I disagree, fairly strongly.  If the diagnostic can indicate where
 > an assumed
 > implied termination occurs, it just about tells the coder where to put the
 > explicit terminator (in many cases). That enhances the coder's
 > productivity.
   <much snippage>
 I just thought that I would show an ALTERNATIVE solution to the "how to help
 the programmer" with understanding both implicit AND explicit scope
 termination.  Although IBM does issue an error for both SEARCH/EVALUATE
 tests, it does (in its listings) show *all* "nesting" levels.  See the
     *** >>

The nesting level is very useful and it is very helpful to see this feature 
highlighted. For IBM, however, this is not an alternative assistance. They 
actually do both. That is in addition to the nesting level, they reveal the 
line number of a verb and the line number of the implication point for 
assumed implied conditionals within certain messages. I am in favor of the 
extra information about the nesting level as well. We also can do both, if 
there were just a lot more resources and a few more hours in each day.

Best Wishes, 
Bob Rayhawk

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