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Re: gnubol: The token "IS"

In a message dated 12/7/99 8:51:17 AM EST, mck@tivoli.mv.com writes:

<< Can anyone think of what the repercussions would be if we were to lex
 out the token "IS" as noise?  I don't remember ever having done it,
 but I can't think of anyplace that would be affected by it's
 absence.  Getting rid of it would reduce the lookahead burden
 slightly and simplify parts of the grammar.  

A thought about that.  In looking at the arithmetic conditionals it naturally 
occurs to us that it would be nice to lex out the optional ON as noise. This 
is very useful as a means to avoid rules with epsilons or the dreaded 
explication of alternate rules with and with out the token; all to aboid r/r 
conflicts.  One problem that creates is that you then become blind to 
duplicates. As in ON ON, or IS IS. And you commence to consider yet more work 
in the lexer to infact catch those.

Also I will reapeat a comment someone else made when there was a brief 
discussio about folding togeter things like SPACE/SPACES, ZERO/ZEROE/ZEROES 
and naturally 
also IS/ARE.

There is a mild concern about ungrammaticalness then possible, but I think 
more dramatically one statement does not allow the substitution. There the 
particle is maybe still optional! You just have to be grammatical :-). 

Thus are you not then going to have to consider filtering out IS _and_  ARE. 
And does not your requirement for special lexer task become detecting IS ARE 
and ARE IS as those are not visible to the parser? A large part of the world 
does not care. But standards compliance is another issue. Can you be 
compliant and not detect IS IS as an error?

Balanced against this is the question of what to do with it in the parser 
anyway if you can see these dups. Everytime I post a comment about flyouts 
from lower rules to higher rules, I get clobber by more experienced people to 
whom I am happy to defer. None the less, even though you at first glance 
probably don't want to see that noise suppression could raise the issue of 
dup detection in the lexer; there may actually be an entire separate 
justification for it.

It would be just absolutely excellent, for example to get the ON token 
completely out of the arithmetic rules.  It would be nice to get ON ON 
detection out of there as well. I am thinking that the method prefered is to 
not code for it, let the rule break and it will be caught nearby with ease. 
Alternatively you can subjugate it with a rule unto itself, which will be 
arcame unto itself to avoid epsilon. But if you get into the business of 
suppressing IS and/or ARE, and address the duplicate issue in the lexer, then 
a style of doing business has been established that relates to some of the 
epsilons versus alternate rule explication up in the parser on other optional 

The problem we have is that as soon as anything looks like it is getting 
bigger, it tends to look wrong to an understaffed project.

So even if you don't want to discuss it as a generalizable idea.  I think you 
atleast need to contemplate the IS IS detection problem, and the more isolate 
IS/ARE asymetry.

Bob Rayhawk

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