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Re: IBM Compilers (was RE: gnubol: How do we parse this language, anyway?

>>>>> "Bill" == William M Klein <wmklein@ix.netcom.com>
>>>>> wrote the following on Sat, 4 Dec 1999 15:17:51 -0600


  >> determine that IBM doesn't support it.  Which of their compilers
  >> are in wide enough use to pay attention to?

  Bill> Semi-easy (but long) question to answer:

	<lots of excellent information>

  Bill> Does this help?

Very much. Thanks.

I have little interest in obsolete and never supported extensions.
Even people who have never heard of J4 and still think the final
arbiter of all things computational is in Armonk, NY, will usually
accept a statement that the feature is not supported in the current
blue compiler.  We don't need to be more compatible with IBM than IBM
is with IBM.

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