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Re: gnubol: Braiding #1 #2 #3

In the absence of a specific syntax rule to the contrary, phrases must be 
coded in the order specified in the format diagram.  Thus

At 01:06 AM 11/30/99 , RKRayhawk@aol.com wrote:
>EVEN WHEN OTHER is just another recurse ELSE-IF-ALWAYS, or just the
>last sequence.

WHEN OTHER must be last, bringing up this possibility:

             WHEN OTHER

Currently banned by the imperative statement legalism.

>SEARCH has similarities to EVAL, but we have the complication of the AT END
>clause. I don't recall ever seeing an NOT AT END on a SEARCH, and suppose
>that it is not possible. But in any event we can treat the whole set of WHEN
>clauses as the NOT AT END clause.
>I do not know if the SEARCH statement has ordinal requirements. It might
>braid also, I hope not.

You are correct, WHEN is the NOT AT END of SEARCH.  AT END must come 
first.  This is an old (1974 or earlier) legalism to prevent this

     AT END

RB |\  Randall Bart
aa |/  Barticus@usa.net 818-985-3259 Barticus@att.net
nr |\  8321 Burnet Av #1, North Hills, CA 91343
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