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Re: gnubol: Code repository?
There is a respository - see the links from www.fsf.org/software/cobol. My bison
parser and preprocessor are at timjosling.homepage.com.
Things are not really being coordinated at present. Michael and I are exploring
different options for parsing at the moment.
Once we have a good start it will be easy to add function in parallel, but at the
moment we do not have that.
There is a lot of work to do. For example runtime code. Define an interface and
write the test cases and code. If you indicate which areas you are interested in,
and what skills you have, we could point you in the right direction.
Tim Josling
Matthew Vanecek wrote:
> Is there a code repository...
> I'd like to get involved somehow, but I'm not sure where to begin.
> Matthew Vanecek
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