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Re: gnubol: refmod again

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Josling <TIMJOSLING@prodigy.net>
>>>>> wrote the following on Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:36:54 +1000

  Tim> True. Postfix operator is a neat way to put it.  Every rule
  Tim> you have to check: does it allow
  Tim> - just a single name (eg procedure division using)
  Tim> - a basic identifier with no array reference and no refmod
  Tim> (can't remember them but they exist)
  Tim> - a basic identifier maybe with an array reference (eg most
  Tim> numeric operands)
  Tim> - the full thing.

  Tim> So you need productions for all four cases that you can refer
  Tim> to.

  Tim> Have a look at my bison grammar and you will see all these So
  Tim> we are on the same wavelength here.

I knew we couldn't disagree on everything.  I do think it has the
potential to cut the requirement down by one rule, but I might not 
change a working grammar to do that.

Just to show you I'm paying attention, the power op is conventionally
right associative and unary plus/minus is usually non-associative at
the same precedence level as power.

Best regards,


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