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Re: Parsing nested statements: was Re: gnubol: subsets

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Josling <TIMJOSLING@prodigy.net>
>>>>> wrote the following on Thu, 25 Nov 1999 23:33:06 +1000

  Tim> Is anyone in a position to test this? This is quite an
  Tim> important issue.  The way I hav been building the bison
  Tim> parser, I have no problems if Bob is right, but if the IBM
  Tim> compilers behave as suggested I have a lot more work to do.

  Tim> Tim Josling

  Tim> Michael McKernan wrote:

  Bob> However, a scope terminator will be assumed just prior to the
  Bob> next phrase of the containing statement.
  >>  A nice weasel-worded statement, this.  I think it tells me that
  >> Big Blue is doing exactly what I have been advocating, as I
  >> would have expected them to.
  >> It looks to me like they're saying "you're not allowed to write
  >> a conditional statement within another statement, but if you do,
  >> we're going to assume that it's been terminated."

Since this is not a specification like the standard, but a
description of an implementation, it obvously should be verified.  I
don't see the work to be done as especially onerous, however.  You
stop scanning ahead, remove the extra productions and stop trying to
distinguish between imperative and conditional statements.  Now
everything falls out.  Are there other problems?

Best regards,


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