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Re: gnubol: subsets

>>>>> "Bob" == RKRayhawk  <RKRayhawk@aol.com>
>>>>> wrote the following on Wed, 24 Nov 1999 15:46:34 EST

  Bob> I had expressed the view that

  Bob> << ADD ... SIZE ... SUBTRACT ... NOT SIZE ... END-ADD
  Bob>    would commence to behave differently when migrated to a
  Bob> platforms hosted by such a compiler, as being discussed

  Bob> In response,In a message dated 11/23/99 10:53:34 PM EST,
  Bob> mck@tivoli.mv.com writes: <<
  Bob>  I doubt it seriously, Bob.  The SIZE phrase is defined to be
  Bob> just a part of the syntax of certain statements.  Without a
  Bob> preceding ADD or whatever it has no meaning at all.  It must
  Bob> bind to the preceding verb if that verb can take a SIZE clause
  Bob> and does not already have one.

  Bob> We do disagree, the interior arithmetic statements, if they
  Bob> can be interpreted as simple, must yield the nearby SIZE
  Bob> clause.  This actually follows from the need to allow the
  Bob> SIZE/NOT SIZE to transpose and permit simple arithmetics on
  Bob> the conditional clauses.  I must cover a lot of ground to get
  Bob> this in complete detail. But I think this is worth it because
  Bob> the issue goes beyond the arithmetics.

OK, I at least understand what you're trying to tell me.  I disagree,
of course, and I'll cite this excerpt from the '85 standard.
(paragraph 6.4.3 Scope of Statements, pg IV-40)

"When statements are nested within other statements which allow
optional conditional phrases, any optional conditional phrase
encountered is considered to be the next phrase of the nearest
preceding unterminated statement with which that phrase is permitted
to be associated according to the general format and the syntax rules
for that statement, but with which no such phrase has already been
associated.  An unterminated statement is one which has not been
terminated either explicitly or implicitly."

That citation is the basis for my belief that nested statements right
associate.  That and my faith that J4, annoying as they may be at
times, is not consciously being malicious.

I would be interested to know why you believe as you do.

Best regards,


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