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gnubol: University of Amsterdam URL

Some one asked for this U of Amsterdam citation


which is 

"Obtaining a COBOL Grammar from Legacy Code for Reengineering Purposes"

Credits to
  Mark van den Brand, Alex Sellink, Chris Verhoef 
  University of Amsterdam, Programming Research Group
  Kruislaan 403, NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands  
  markvdb@wins.uva.nl, alex@wins.uva.nl, x@wins.uva.nl

the technical stuff lives at


If you have 1/2 meg to spare you can go after


Contents thereof are PS and cardinal expressions of interest 
are in SDF, with lots of annotations and explanations. If you are into
bison or PCCTS, this stuff will look a little backwards at first.

This significant work represents an optimistic grammar for remediation effort.
The front end concepts are definitely instructive. The preprocess is 
aggressively data reductive.

This important work seems to fit into reverse engineering context at that 

The site appears to use some GNU tools, I do not think any of the material 
just listed is GNU, however. Until clarified otherwise, I recommend that any 
readers consider this stuff copyrighted, and otherwise the property of the 
university and/or the authors. Yet public access is provided seemingly in the 
best of academic spirit.

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