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Re: gnubol: random thoughts

>>>>> "Chad" == Chad Slaughter <slaught@advancenet.net>
>>>>> wrote the following on Sun, 14 Nov 1999 01:35:45 -0600 (EST)


  Chad> I also had a question.

  Chad> How much of the cobol std can be implemented in cobol?  Now
  Chad> cobol is not a system language and never will be, but some of
  Chad> the functionality maybe implemented in cobol itself? My
  Chad> question is what parts would these be, if any?  Basically, if
  Chad> we can implement a small subset in C/C++ and then implement
  Chad> the rest on top of that in cobol itself, that would be
  Chad> wonderful and make things easier. Simplify the runtime system
  Chad> and allow for extensions.

Pretty heretical, but I don't disagree.  Off the top of my head I
think we would need recursion, an interface that could deal with the
C library, a simple integer type, a full set of bit-wide operators,
dynamic allocation and not much more.  Some of these are pretty
common extensions.

The advantage, of course is that we get a better product if we are
the users.  It may make us a little more eager to get to the
high performance stage, too, which is the part I think is fun.

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