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Re: gnubol: distinguishing data refs and conditional refs

RKRayhawk@aol.com wrote:
> ... good stuff, plus
> Perhaps, well, we should probably get a handle on the exact number. I think
> that the requirement that level numbers basically be 01 through 49 brings
> that down some (we can have 01s within FDs/SDs, and an 88 is actually under
> an element in the sense that syntactically
>   cond-88-name OF data-49-name
> is valid. So 50 or 60.

Plus the of/in of course, making around 100.

In my opinion the compiler should crash if it runs out of memory, or a
resource like a file does not exist. No other limitations. IBM's
mainframe compiler has an undocumented limit on the number of forward
procedure references. These limits can cost people a lot of money.

Tim Josling

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