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gnubol: RE: [GNU-COBOL] COBOL considered as a RIS high-level language

"Fred Mobach" wrote:

The first time I saw an empty line I was astonished, but there are 
that accept those lines and gives it a linenumber also. They are treated as
comment lines.

Very handy to enhance programme readability

Then we know also of a REPORT SECTION which I refused to use :-).

This could be very useful if, at the end of a page, the compiler could 
embed a form feed character instead of a whole load of line feeds

You do need at least one paragraph
name between the section declaration and the first executable statement.

Most compilers do not insist on any paragraph names within a section except 
for the one containing the "exit" statement. In most cases, paragraph names 
are superfluous  except where they are needed as a jump point within the 
section (such as in a loop or as the result of a condition) or as a 
description of the function of the following sentences. COBOL's strength 
lies in its readability and its similarity to English in its construct. If 
you are writing a book (or even a letter) you do not preface paragraphs 
with a name - neither should you be compelled to do so in COBOL source 
code. Many of the "traditional" programmers hate the use of the "GO TO" 
verb. Without this paragraph names are purely window dressing.

By the way, this is a damn good discussion group


Fred Neale

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