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Re: [GNU-COBOL] COBOL specific editor???


As the guy who originally posted the question, I feel obliged to reply.

My only thinking in the question was to find a tool I could use that would help do some of the more mundane bits of COBOL coding.  As I was unaware of the number of tools available, I was pleased to have the people on this list point out a number of wonderful options (personally using gvim) available to the programmer.

It was not my intention to start a holy war, but to simply point out that there might be some advantage to having a single combined package of compiler, editor and debugger.  The richness of tools available within the GNU world has provided most of what I need.

BTW, your English is excellent.  I am sad to say that my German would only be enough to get me a beer :)

The opinions expressed are my own, especially if I'm right.
Linux the choice of a GNU generation http://www.linux.org
COBOL is also the choice of the GNU generation http://acm.cs.umr.edu/~gnu-cobol/
See my web page at http://users.erols.com/bpkprsnl/

>>> Herwig Huener <Herwig.Huener@pgtm0035.mch.sni.de> 07/29/99 08:08AM >>>
1999-07-29 13:39:19 MEST


I stumbled into the pages of your GNU-Cobol Project.
As a member of a commercial cobol compiler team I
read a few postings.

There has been the issue of a "COBOL specific" editor.

I do not know wherefor you guys need that. An editor
is a very individual tool, and nobody should be
offended by being forced to use a sub-optimal editor.
As the product of a editor is an ASCII-file, it is
totally transparent whether it has been made by
vi, joe, xedit, emac, PFE or even M$-NotePad.

To my mind, nobody needs syntax-highlighting. But
other ppl may not share this opinion.

If you are a competent user of a specific editor,
you can write anything with it! - On the other hand,
if you port the editor-holy-war into your COBOL
project, you may never do anything else than
discussing the merrits and shortcommings of
different editors.

Excuse my limited command of the English language.

Herwig Huener

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