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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Yet Another Grammar question

Good Morning Laura,

After a nights sleep, a few cups of coffee and a little reflection, I
have decided that I was too quick to panic.  

I hope that I have convinced you that a properly terminated
conditional statement is, in fact, an imperative statement and
therefore eligible to be included in a conditional phrase.  In any
case the following passage from 6.4.3 "Scope of Statements"
(pg. IV-40) has to be be considered.

   When a delimited scope statement is nested within another
   delimited scope statement with the same verb, each explicit scope
   terminator terminates the statement begun by the most recently
   preceding, and as yet unterminated, occurrence of the verb.

At the very least, this says that nested, explicitly scoped
statements are permitted.  This leaves us with the problem of nested,
potentially scoped statements that are not properly terminated.  At
this point, I want to return to my original position that we simply
read imperative statement as statement, and claiming that the failure
to terminate the statement is a simple programming error.  I doubt
that it would be very easy to diagnose, but we aren't required to do
that, and parsing does not seem to be an insurmountable problem.

Whaddya think?


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