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Re: [GNU-COBOL] grammar

   Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 12:19:45 -0400
   From: David Essex <dessex@aracnet.net>

   >> > ...
   >> > ... I've also stumbled on btyacc, that sounds like it might 
   >> handle the job. 
   >> In my experience btyacc is a little unstable.
   >Loses it's mind?  Stack related?

   I did a quick comparison between bison, byacc and btyacc, using the same
   input grammar.

   Byacc fared the best(not always, usually), with bison in second. The
   problem with btyacc seems to be that while byacc and bison will output
   errors then stop, btyacc will seg fault and core dump. 

   As to specifically why it as a tendency to that, I do not know. At the time
   I had no wish to track down the problem.

Well, maybe we just need to release a new version of BtYacc.
I fixed a couple of bugs in there and it is not released yet.

By the way, our Cobol grammar written in BtYacc never dumps core.

And finally, it is "Siber Systems", not "Syber Systems".

Vadim Maslov

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