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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Net connection and misc

When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> Once I get that up and running, I can start serving AnonCVS and people
> can begin submitting additions to the code.

	Let me know when you're ready to start messing with AnonCVS, I can
be of assistance.

> I'm also considering moving the listserv off of acm.cs.umr.edu since
> we're not there anymore.  Justin, is it possible to run majordomo on a
> machine where you're not root, like gnudist.gnu.org for example?

	No.  Mailing lists can be kludged with procmail, but it's not pretty.
The list on ACM will be safe on acm for another couple months, at least, at 
which point I will have a net connection of some decent variety and will be 
glad to host it.  I don't see any reason to move it off right this minute.  
Personally I don't like the web-based mailing lists that Boris referred to,
just because I like to be able to admin my mail through my mail.  Just my 


Justin Ferguson - Tech. Analyst, Sprint Paranet   jcfergus@sprintparanet.com
http://www.worldinter.net/~jferg/                       jferg@worldinter.net
A hollow voice says "Plugh".                                   jferg@acm.org 

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