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[GNU-COBOL] Beginings
--- "Justin C. Ferguson" <jferg@acm.org> wrote:
> > I do think it would be a good idea for us to
> arrange a "real time"
> > communication area, such as a moo or irc channel
> so that we can talk in
> > groups if necessary. It's also easier to have a
> dialog than it is in
> > email tag.
> The MOO can be brought back up easily, just let me
> know.
That would be good. When I get a fast connection, we can move it from
acm to my machine. The one problem I have with moving stuff to my
machine is that Bell Atlantic says they will be going to a dynamic IP
scheme within the next 6 months. So, while I have a static IP now, it
won't be that way for long. We can work around this when the time
The latest stuff I've been writing is on
http://www.gnu.org/software/cobol/tmp as I said before. I'm just
overwriting the old tarballs each time.
Tim, I sorry I don't have my email archive handy. Did you say you had
written a preprocessor for cobol at one time? Do you still have that
After converting the code I wrote in March/April of this year to bison,
I was again struck by how much more readable EBNF is. So, I'd like
people who are interested in what compiler generator we use to get
cocom (URL in the tarball at above address) and try it out. The
install is very simple. Cobol gurus can do the same so you can help us
verify that everything is being parsed correctly.
I also want to say that I meant the hand written scanner mostly to
solve ID and ENV parse problems. But, after remembering this line of
inquiry from some months ago, we can do what we want without resorting
to that. So, I apologize for going off half baked.
I'm also looking at the rpcobol stuff that was posted to the list.
There's a lot of .asm stuff, but the lexer and parser are good
Feel free to write the grammar for any verb you feel the need to. I
agree that goals should reflect the levels of compliance as outlined in
the standard. This gives us a well defined path.
Okay, I'm rambling again. :)
No worries...
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