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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Quiet on the list?

Typically with compilers that use the GCC back end, the debugging
info is passed through the assembler for use by GDB. So GDB know
what source lines the code came from.

Generally I would assume we will try and leverage every bit of
existing code we can so we can get this finished ie:

Editors - perhaps we add the COBOL syntax o existing editors
(including the best one, EMACS).

Debuggers - enhancements to GDB

Code generation - plug into GCC

Tim Josling

Boris Kortiak wrote:
... Some of the compilers I've used create three output files
(depending on switches): an object, to be linked; a listing,
human readable; a listing, machine readable.  The machine
readable listing is set up with minimal information for the
debugger to be able to show the appropriate line of the listing
(source) based on the information in the object.  This is
generally done on a switch because such a thing adds a lot of
overhead to the execution process.

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