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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Quiet on the list?



 Also, this brings up the distinction between an interpreter and a 
compiler, the idea of "animating" is going to be somewhat lost, at least 
in an interactive sense, with compiled COBOL.  


IIRC, there was some discussion about keeping track of the line numbers throughout the process.  If this is still in the pipe, then it might make it easier.  Some of the compilers I've used create three output files (depending on switches): an object, to be linked; a listing, human readable; a listing, machine readable.  The machine readable listing is set up with minimal information for the debugger to be able to show the appropriate line of the listing (source) based on the information in the object.  This is generally done on a switch because such a thing adds a lot of overhead to the execution process.

Anyway, what I'm throwing out are questions, points to ponder and general ramblings.  Just getting a compiler would be GREAT!!!


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