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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Quiet on the list?

When last we left our heros, they were speaking of:
> Reply to author is the default, but I select reply to all and delete the 
> author from the list.  I kinda thought the point of a list was so that
> all could see and participate.

	This has been changed now...it was set to reply to author previously
due to some issues with people not knowing when to take things off the list and
into private e-mail, but as that doesn't seem to be a problem now, it's back
to normal.  Also, the subscribe/unsubscribe instructions on the web page and
in the .sig have been updated to reflect what the version of majordomo that 
I have installed seems to want.  Let me know if there are any troubles.


Justin Ferguson - Tech. Analyst, Sprint Paranet   jcfergus@sprintparanet.com
http://www.worldinter.net/~jferg/                       jferg@worldinter.net
A hollow voice says "Plugh".                                   jferg@acm.org 

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