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Re: [GNU-COBOL] Lines of code

I'll try out some of the test cases you suggested when I get the
preprocessor done. One thing your experiences suggest to me is
the importance of insulating the parser from the rest of the
compiler if possible, so if you find there is a limitation you
can switch without throwing everything away.

With the comment that LR(k) can do the job, what value of k do
you need (if it's infinity, then it's really a backtracking
compiler I think). 

Laura's web page says things are more or less on hold until she
graduates - does this include the parser research? (By the way,
Laura, in a few years you may look back on your years at college
as the time when you had limitless time, in contrast to life as a

Tim Josling

Chad Slaughter wrote:
> Tim Josling wrote :>
> ??? LR(k) will handle the Cobol grammar. There are no conclusions of
> yet about the parser. They will be forth coming when laura finishes
> here research.

> >(ie slow). I have no knowledge of what's out there beyond LALR(1)
> >parsers. I have found a couple of bugs in bison, so I would be
> >very cautious of picking something even more off the beaten
> >track,

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