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[GNU-COBOL] Greetings all!

Hello everybody!

I'm sorry I've been silent for so long.  This semester has been busy!  But,
I have just one more month, then I'm out of here.  So, not that this is 
different from the rest of the semester, but I won't be working on Cobol
until I'm settled in my new home.

Now, on to the developments of late.

First, GNU wants to put our web pages on their site and give us an account
to update them with.  What do you guys think about this?  At one point we
discussed not be official GNU so we didn't have to follow their rules if we
didn't want to.  But, let me know if you have any strong opinions either way.

Second, I don't think the SableCC/java thing is going to work out.  Just 
from the amount of trouble we had getting it to work on two systems, what a
headache it would be for the world in general.  That and it's unbelievably
slow for larger grammars.

So, I would like to have a system that is EBNF, generates C or C++, can
generate the parser in a reasonable amount of time, and will be easy to fit
with the GNU back end.

I have looked at several possibilities, including btyacc (back tracking yacc)
and cocom (an LR(k) yacc).  I'm currently testing them out with small, tricky
pieces of the grammar to see how much massaging they require to work.  cocom
seems to be a good candidate.

Finally, I want to apologize for being so unproductive this semester.  I
thought that taking fewer hours would give me lots of free time, but plant
trips and interviews have kept me busy.  So, I'm sorry about that, but 6
more weeks until graduation then it's out into the real world.

So, let me know if you have opinions on the web site location or the parser

   .. Laura Tweedy .. tweedy@umr.edu ..

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