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[GNU-COBOL] Re: Math Library...

This goes along with my last mail.

I guess you are probably wondering what the variables to
the function mean...since I was a dimwit I didnt comment it properly.

Example call:
emit.c:	rc = emit_truncate_number(string,ptr->length,ptr->num->point);

emit_impl.c:int emit_truncate_number(char *string,int length,int decimal) ;
emit_impl.h:int emit_truncate_number(char * ,int,int);
char * == name of the variable being truncated
int length == length of the number(total pic lenght)
int decimal ==  see comment below in Number struct defination.
/* Number specific */
struct s_Number {
        double          init ;
        unsigned        point; /* no point(0) ( 0-18) number of digits to
                                * the right of the point
                                * -1 means a variable pt

hope this helps some more..

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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