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Re: [GNU-COBOL] standards & practices

Laura Tweedy wrote :>

>I have some comments on this.  If you have concerns about my modifications,
>please mail me directly.  Chad, there are a few questions, please clarify to
>the list.

>Chad Slaughter (slaught@umr.edu) wrote:>
>> 4) All code will have comprehensive unit tests written for it.
>>    All tests written will be come part of the codes complete regression
>>    test suite. All tests will pass all unit tests, BEFORE it is allowed
>>    in CVS. 
>	An example or more specific directions would be useful here as I 
>don't know how many people have done this.  I know I haven't and wouldn't
>know where to begin writing these tests.
>	Chad?

This is the stuff you were suppose to learn in 53,153,253(basic programming 
courses). See the Book references, Writing Solid code for more in depth stuff.
Testing deals with boundry conditions, checking of vaild input/output,
check of error conditions, etc. 

>> 7) As the issue was brought. I see no conflict between the GNU coding standard
>>    and the first rule.
>> 7c) 21 -  variable names.
      ^^ this referes to the GNU standard page to reference 
sorry I didn't make that clear. Go read the page, then read my comments.
>>    It suggests the use of underscores as separators in C. BUT
>>    Variable names should use mixed case, instead of underscores.
>	What?  This is not at all clear.
>	Chad?

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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