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[GNU-COBOL] CVS layout

If you have any questions about where your work should go, just ask. :)

file: cobol/doc/dev/cvs_layout

This is the new CVS directory layout.

	Cobol/cobpp		-- The preprocessor, this dir may go away
	Cobol/doc		-- All non-source documentation
	Cobol/doc/user		-- User guides, readmes, howto, referneces
	Cobol/doc/dev		-- Docs about the project design, objs, plans
	Cobol/doc/moologs	-- Logs of Moo conversations
	Cobol/doc/html		-- Web papers not generated from current docs
	Cobol/doc/proposals	-- Donation information
	Cobol/build		-- Build files & info, relase and debug
	Cobol/parser		-- SableCC grammar & support files
	Cobol/emit		-- C output classes
	Cobol/sym		-- Symbol Table
	Cobol/runtime		-- Runtime libraries
	Cobol/runtime/math	-- Runtime Math libs
	Cobol/runtime/io	-- Runtime display, accept libs
	Cobol/runtime/file	-- Runtime file stuff

These will be added if they are needed.

	Cobol/runtime/file/seq	-- sequential
	Cobol/runtime/file/index-- indexed

Tue Nov  3 20:47:58 CST 1998

   .. Laura Tweedy .. tweedy@umr.edu ..
"Be well, do good work, and keep in touch."

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