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Re: [GNU-COBOL] [rms@santafe.edu: Re: Java and GNU products]

John J. Adelsberger III wrote :>

>> But this makes me wonder; if you have been writing the compiler in
>> Java, how come you did not encounter this problem right at the
>> beginning?  Have you aimed at something other than a front end
>> for GCC?  If so, this could be a major design mistake.

>Point out to rms that there are no suitable free tools for writing a COBOL
>compiler in C.  If he doesn't change his mind or produce the tools, he's
>an idiot.  Of course, I kinda think he's an idiot anyway, but that's
>utterly beside the point.

First off, I think rms, simply doesn't understand the goals of the project.
You are right, the tools don't exist. Part of the project is to fix that

Also, he said yes to Java. He was just pointing out that if we want a 
compiler, we should aim for C adn teh GCC backend framework, which we are.

Calm down, John!

Chad Slaughter  -- slaught at umr.edu
<PGP public key available upon request>

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