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Re: [GNU-COBOL] [rms@santafe.edu: Re: Java and GNU products]

> But this makes me wonder; if you have been writing the compiler in
> Java, how come you did not encounter this problem right at the
> beginning?  Have you aimed at something other than a front end
> for GCC?  If so, this could be a major design mistake.

Point out to rms that there are no suitable free tools for writing a COBOL
compiler in C.  If he doesn't change his mind or produce the tools, he's
an idiot.  Of course, I kinda think he's an idiot anyway, but that's
utterly beside the point.

If he _even_ suggests using flex and bison, send his home address to
Bill Gates.

John J. Adelsberger III

"Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."

						- Ayn Rand

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