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Re: [coldsync-hackers] approaching three point zero
On Friday 22 October 2004 08:42, Andrew Arensburger wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 11:40:47PM -0400, Christophe Beauregard wrote:
> > p5-Palm isn't a well-behaved CPAN module. We (Palm:: module uploaders)
> > really want to be able to reference p5-Palm as a dependency (PM_PREREQ)
> > and, well, that just doesn't happen with the current CPAN version.
> Could you please elaborate?
I can try, but most of it is speculation.
> Is it the name? Is it the fact
> that it's sorta-kinda named after a non-terminal node in the module
> tree ("Palm" rather than "Palm::Files" or some such)?
No. "Palm" should work just as well as "PDL" or "XMLTV".
It _may_ be the lack of a Palm.pm, in which case it's an easy fix. Actually,
a root Palm.pm is probably a good idea anyways. I actually doubt that this
is the case... I'm leaning towards some kind of indexing issue with CPAN
It could simply be something about the relative age of the module and some
kind of CPAN config thing... then it's just a matter of uploading the
current version and forcing CPAN to reindex.
Might also just be something silly like the Makefile missing stuff CPAN has
grown to expect like ABSTRACT and AUTHOR. Seems unlikely.
Could be the lack of Palm in the CPAN namespace list
(https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?ACTION=apply_mod). Or maybe it's
supposed to be Palm::PDB... I've tried using p5-Palm, Palm, and Palm::PDB
in my PM_PREREQ without any luck. I'm actually leaning towards this since
apparently the namespace entry is semi-related to the CPAN searching
I can certainly attack the code/config related stuff, but you're the only
one who can manipulate p5-Palm in CPAN, so... If you want to try doing an
update to force a reindex, I can version++ one of my modules and upload it
to see what happens with the smoke tests.